Thank you, Industry Week, for breaking down what is happening in the manufacturing sector. We are thrilled that the manufacturing economy has continued to grow for the 11th consecutive month (what a feat during these times!), but there are still concerns among manufacturers that our HVMC team hears and understands. There is so much to process with these findings, but here are our 3 take-aways:
1) Supplier Success: Lead times, part shortages, rising prices, and difficulty in transporting are real challenges for the manufacturing economy. Suppliers are often limited in quality oversight and supply chain resiliency measures to protect them from overall industry challenges like these. In the past, there were quality teams at OEMs and larger customer plants to support supplier operations, but that is no longer common practice. Suppliers must seek independent expertise for operational excellence, timely industry challenges, compliance standards, and customer satisfaction goals.
2) Labor Reliability: Growth has been hindered by absenteeism, shutdowns, and unfilled open positions at manufacturing facilities. COVID-19 brought a multitude of labor challenges, but there are skilled and experienced manufacturing professionals ready to step in if given the opportunity. HVMC knows the COVID-19 pandemic has hit manufacturing plants hard, and we have assembled a team of knowledgeable and experienced manufacturing professionals to meet the skilled labor need during times like these.
3) Growth Opportunities: Even with extended lead times and rising prices of parts, there are ways to build upon strong sales and operational scrutiny. HVMC implements best practices and innovative solutions for manufacturing excellence, and we guide compliance efforts when necessary, to create new business opportunities (or sustained customer satisfaction for existing customers).
HVMC knows the manufacturing industry. We can help. Our team has vast experience across multiple industries, global and domestic operations, and production roles. There is no economic challenge or operational issue that cannot be solved without the best, the brightest, and the most experienced manufacturing professional at the helm and on the ready.
HVMC – Value. Experience. Results.
Call for a consultation or contact us today.
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