Maximize Value via Quick Resolution of Manufacturing Problems

(By William May, President, High Value Manufacturing Consulting)

A new study from the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), Quality 2020, finds that automotive OEMs and automotive suppliers both rank problem solving as one of the two most critical issues impacting quality (the other top concern is customer-specific requirements). AIAG concludes that more than half the industry sees significant risk if problem solving skills aren’t improved to where they need to be — and fast.

The referenced study also indicates that over one-third of respondents felt there is significant potential for improvement beyond just the quality portion of the business. Problem solving skills also play an important role in improving operational efficiencies and customer satisfaction. Focused problem solving can provide quick bottom line value to your organization’s performance.

The OEM and supplier participants identified four deficiencies in manufacturers’ problem solving capabilities:

(1)   Root cause analysis

(2)   Management/organizational culture

(3)   Insufficient time allotted to problem solving

(4)   Jumping to the solution too quickly

More than 75 percent of the respondents see a moderate to extreme level risk if no action is taken to close the gap between where the industry is today versus where the industry should be in problem solving. About 95 percent of respondents believe closing the gap in problem solving would have a moderate to extremely high impact on improving the quality level of the products produced. These same concerns exist in all segments of the manufacturing sector, not just Automotive.

Many of us bring our experiential biases to the problem solving technique that we deploy.  For example, if your experience in the manufacturing world has been solely in the area of Quality Control, you are naturally inclined to think every problem has a Quality Control solution.

Due to time constraints, we often begin working on these issues without the appropriate planning and forethought. We simply jump in, leading our experiential biases to frequently result in less than optimal solutions. This is what is often called the Ready, Fire, Aim approach to problem solving.

In fact, what is needed is a more holistic customized solution that incorporates your company’s specific challenges.

HVMC has developed THE QUICK VALUE TOOL as a means to lead the small to medium manufacturing companies with their problem solving processes and capabilities. This tool is designed as a rapid-response, laser-focused, and truly impactful way to enhance operations and address critical issues across your organization, driving costs down, while increasing quality and throughput.


From a broad perspective, the Quick Value Tool allows us to zero in on a specific, clearly identified-and-understood problem that, when resolved, will quickly create momentum, yielding net improvement, maximum value, and bottom-line results.

If you are looking to reignite your company’s manufacturing efforts, let experienced professionals assist you in creating a detailed plan for success. Together we can drive manufacturing costs lower and increase both quality and throughput.

At High Value Manufacturing Consulting, we realize manufacturing facilities today struggle with a number of planning, operational, and resource challenges. As a world class manufacturing consulting firm, our goal is to help our clients assess current manufacturing issues, plan for future needs, provide concrete recommendations, and provide the skilled resources required for strong problem solving capability.




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