What are your specific business plans for 2021? Is “Cash King” in the first quarter of 2021?
The end of the year is rapidly approaching. For some, exiting 2020 can’t happen soon enough. For others, the uncertainty of what 2021 may hold is reason enough to pull the covers over their heads and will time to move much slower toward the New Year.
This is the time of year when most of us begin setting goals…you know, those infamous New Year Resolutions. Those of us serious about those goals are also hip-deep in making plans designed to achieve those goals. For each of us, the goals are different and the associated plans are somewhere between half-baked and seriously documented. But for all businesses, the goal is fairly universal.
That goal, expressed most succinctly by Eli Goldratt, is “to make money now and in the future.”
It should be noted the goal to “make money” does not come with any qualifying conditions. It doesn’t matter if the business environment is right, exchange rates are good, trade agreements favorable, your business is deemed “essential”, or even if COVID still exists. The Bottom Line, if you own or manage a business or a plant, the goal is to make money now….and in the future.
Which begs the question that keeps business owners and managers up at night: “But how?”
For many businesses, there are constraints that inhibit the ability to identify issues and to make specific improvements that translate into cash to the bottom line. These constraints may be manpower, experience, problem-solving capability, supply chain failures, or a combination of these resource issues, to name a few.
And that’s where HVMC can help! The end result? Increased profits.
Not Your Typical Manufacturing Consultant
While Consulting is in our name, we’re not your normal manufacturing consulting firm. What we’re NOT going to do is come in, take up residence, conduct a manufacturing audit, and at the end of the contract provide you a list of things to improve, accept our check, and walk away, leaving you to figure out the “what and how” to make those improvements.
During a calibration at a plant in Russia, I completed a review of the Lean standards in Supply Chain. As part of the presentation, for each gap identified, ideas were provided on closure methods, along with contact information at other plants who had successfully closed that gap or had systems in place compliant to the standard. At the end of the presentation, the VP thanked me for my time and for the fact I was the first calibrator who had not simply made a list of the gaps, but offered concrete, realistic solutions to close them. I obviously made an impression on him, but he was unaware of the impression he made on me…. That my value was in bringing help, not simply defining failure. That simple comment has stuck with me….. and it is what drives me and my fellow team members at HVMC to ensure we are more than “consultants”.
So, how are we different? Glad you asked! The experienced professionals at HVMC have literally “been there and done that”….domestically and globally. We offer mentorship and guidance to your management team in the areas you need the most assistance, working with your talent to develop an implementation plan using proven techniques tailored to meet the needs of your facility. Take a look at our “11+1 Quality Management Strategies” article to get an understanding of HVMC’s Scope of Work.
Why your team?
Because local input and buy-in are essential to ensure the targeted improvements get implemented and, more importantly, STAY implemented.
5 Steps to Improving Manufacturing Efficiencies
How are we going to accomplish this?
HVMC performs these tasks:
- Identify and prioritize the areas where improvements will drive cash directly to your bottom line.
- Identify compliance issues, either at your plant or your supplier’s plant.
- Work with your talent to develop an implementation plan using proven techniques tailored for your environment.
- Continue our support and assistance….on your timetable and as you need it.
- HVMC will walk with you on the journey to improvement or simply be there at milestones to mentor/coach and help with any needed adjustments.
Want more information?
Wonderful! We’re passionate about what we do and what we can provide our clients!
Your improvement is our passion and we look forward to meeting you! HVMC will help you “make money now and in the future.”
At High Value Manufacturing Consulting, we realize manufacturing companies today struggle with several planning, operational and resource challenges. As a world class manufacturing consulting firm our goal is to help our Aerospace, Automotive, Defense and other manufacturing clients assess current operational issues, plan for future needs, provide concrete recommendations and provide the skilled resources required for sustainable growth.
Let’s Connect!
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